Cajon Bikin Sendiri

Anda bisa melihat artikel lain tentang kegiatan seni yang menarik untuk diterapkan bersama anak-anak kita di

Terlalu mahal harga cajon, ya bikin sendiri. Berbahan kayu lapis, sisa sibitan kayu, paku skrup, lem dan kawat snare, inilah proses dan hasil karya tangan sendiri.

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Setelah diuji pakai, ternyata suaranya tidak kalah dengan cajon yang di toko.

Ayo ajak anak-anak kita membuat sendiri alat sederhana untuk memuji Tuhan Yesus.

Art Project with My Son

Applying art of decoupage and working with resing, Billy and I enjoyed woodworking during long weekend. We also makeover two old coffee tables. Our first project was making tabletop with wood slices and resin. Second, decoupage with old newspaper. What a fun weekend with my son Billy in my basement workshop.

You can see other artwork at my other blog or my youtube channel, just click here.

This product available for sale at my gallery, Jl. A. Yani no. 27 Ungaran.

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Wood slices and resin for my my old coffee table top
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Billy has his own idea!
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Decouoage for make over old coffee table

And here’s the slide for whole process pictures.

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